How I get huge discounts on high-end outdoor gear (UK)
In this article I’ll be sharing some of my favourite sites to get massive discounts on outdoor clothing and equipment. I’m not going to ramble on, so lets get straight to the sauce.
I’m starting with SportPursuit* because I only discovered them recently but they have some of the best deals I’ve ever seen. Featuring solid brands like Rab, Helly Hansen, Osprey, Montane and more. They regularly have discounts of over 50% off retail price. I’ve even seen discounts of >70%.
All of this gear is brand new, no second hand or refurbished stuff. No customer returns. Apparently, they work directly with the brands to sell their excess product, which allows them to offer these crazy discounts.
You do have to create an account to shop there, but I can assure you its perfectly safe and you can opt out of their newsletter. They have a near 5 star rating on TrustPilot.
Alpine Trek
Alpine Trek is the UK branch of the popular European retailer They sell a wide variety of brands such as Patagonia, Arc’teryx, North Face, etc.
The volume of stock probably outcompetes everyone on this list by a decent margin, and I think this is what allows them to offer such great discounts. Sorting by “best discount” you will frequently find top brands at up to 75% off retail price, especially in less common sizes.
John Pye Auctions & Bidspotter
I put these sites together because they’re pretty much the same thing. These are auction houses, generally their products come from insolvency auctions (businesses that have gone bust selling off their stock), or from excess stock and other sources.
You can find some crazy deals on these sites if you get lucky, its a bit like the old days of eBay. It’s recommended that you visit the auction house to check the products for defects, but most of them offer delivery.
Do note however, that the price shown excludes VAT (20%) and the auction fees (25%), so you basically have to add 45% to the price. There is also very little buyer’s protection if there’s something wrong with the product, so shop at your own risk!
Facebook Marketplace
Maybe this one is obvious, but I’ve gotten some great pieces from Facebook Marketplace. I think people underrate it compared to eBay, assuming its of less quality.
In my experience, Marketplace has much better deals as your not competing in a bidding war, and most sellers are willing to accept less so they don’t have to deal with the hassle of eBay listing, fees, and shipping.
Since Covid, I’ve noticed a lot more outdoor gear appearing on Marketplace super cheap, along with a note saying they bought it during lockdown but since coming back to work they’ve not had a chance to use it. Some stuff is brand new, being sold at silly cheap prices.
Hope this list helps someone. If you have any other sites / sources to recommend, do let me know! I love a bargain:)
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